Ropes and Tapes
Manila Ropes
Thickness 6 mm - 48 mm in 100 mtrs and 200 mtr lengths Manila rope is very durable, flexible, and resistant to salt water damage, allowing its use in rope, hawsers, ships’ lines, and fishing nets. It can be used to make handcrafts like bags, carpets, clothing, furniture, and hangings. Manila ropes shrink when they become wet.
Ceramic Products in Ropes, Tapes and Clothes
Ceramic fibers comprise a wide range of amorphous or crystalline synthetic mineral fibers characterized by their refractory properties (i.e., stability at high temperatures) (IARC 1988). They typically are made of alumina, silica, and other metal oxides or, less commonly, of nonoxide materials such as silicon carbide.
Fiber Glass Products also Available in Rope, Tapes and Clothes
Woven fiberglass cloth fabric is an inorganic composite fabric composed of glass strands of different sizes. After the user applies this material to a surface, he saturates the cloth with polyester or epoxy resin. The resin hardens the fiberglass into a strong, durable substance.
Polypropylene Ropes
Available in 200 yard length with thickness range from 6 mm till 24 mm Polypropylene ropes are synthetic and possess a variety of unique qualities. Polypropylene rope is particularly suited for use around water and will not rot due to water and is resistant to mildew.